courses and dates


I. Baptism

Week 1, 13th -17th of May 2024
Lecturers: Christian Scheffler, Fritjof Winkelmann, Lars Åke Karlsson, Siri Schultze-Florey

Weekend 1, 21st - 23rd of June 2024
Lecturers: Kristine Høiland, Ulrich Meier, Fritjof Winkelmann, Siri Schultze-Florey

II. Confirmation and the Act of Consecration of Man

Week 2, 9th - 13th of September 2024

Weekend 2, 25th - 27th of October 2024

III. Sacramental Consultation

Week 3, 20th - 24th of January 2025

Weekend 3, 7th - 9th of March 2025

IV. Marriage

Week 4, 12th - 16th of May 2025

Weekend 4, 15th - 17th of August 2025

V. Last Anointing and the Funeral

Week 5, 13th - 17th of October 2025

Weekend 5
Conclusion, and discussions of the path forward

The lecturers for the seminar weeks will be announced in advance.

Announcements: At the arrival on Friday there will be time to discuss the self-study undertaken in the preparation for the course. The Priest Ordination will be divided over the five weekends, and the first part will begin with the wording according to the Epistle “Eternal Spirit…” In the evening the Prolog to the Gospel according to John will be read, and attention should be paid to it in the sermon. The focus on Saturday will be given to the guest lecturer and their course offerings. There will be at least one artistic course unit in the afternoon. Questions about the courses, and the Gospel will be given an hour before dinner on Saturday. The hour after dinner should enable a comfortable conversation about course topics - hence the mythological stories…. Sunday is when the course connects most strongly with the community, and there will be presentations for the community after the consecration and a short tea break.